
Welcome to our web pages. Independence ZA (ZA stands for Zuid Afrika, which is still used as the standard country abbreviation for South Africa) is a charity started by Europe-based South Africans looking to do some good.

"Independence ZA's object is to end young South Africans affected by HIV-AIDS’ reliance on state or private aid by funding tertiary education or trade-based training that will lead to employment, a career and an independent life"

AIDs orphans are usually looked after by the state until the age of 15 and are then often left to fend for themselves. Even those fortunate enough to receive schooling to matric (sixth form) are left with very few options for further learning and even fewer options for employment (South Africa’s official unemployment rate is 25%. Unofficial estimates peg it at about 35%).



Independence ZA aims to bridge the gap between dependency on the state and financial independence by funding further learning that will enable the beneficiaries to become employed and begin a career. Independence ZA designs and finances the programs, but these are actually implemented by our partners, South African non-governmental or community-based organisations.

We satisfy ourselves about the financial and administrative arrangements at the South African end through at least one visit a year to each program we finance, through formal and informal audits and through continuing dialogue with our partners and friends in South Africa.

Independence ZA’s launch project completes: class gathers for a photocall on the first day of school in the newly built community centre.

Mathilda Padda, recipient of an Independence ZA bursary in January 2008 to do computer studies at INTEC, together with Kate Groch, our woman in Philippolis
